Miyerkules, Agosto 15, 2018

Benefits of Workout Ropes

Rope is one of the most common things we overlook that can help you lose weight. It is an essential tool that you should incorporate in your program. If you want to have a great body, then this will definitely boost your fitness regimen especially when it comes to strengthening your core and for your cardio.

John Brookfield introduced the use of rope as fitness equipment to the public when he learned that by maneuvering the rope in different motions, it created a peak heart rate to the trainee. Since then, it has been popularized as part of high intensity interval training (HIIT) to develop endurance both aerobic and anaerobic as well as power. Rope has limited use and has been ignored before for fitness purposes and but nowadays you can see it in almost every gym around the world.

Here are some of the benefits of using workout ropes.

Improves your Cardiovascular Capacity. Your cardiovascular capacity will get going fast when you do high intensity and high speed movements.

Improves your Body Composition. By using ropes, it help burn your fat rapidly and simultaneously build muscle.

Improves your Timing and Coordination. Working out using ropes will definitely improve your timing and coordination. When doing variety of rope exercises, it provides you a full body functional workout.

Burns Calories to the Max. It helps you burn maximum calories in a short time.

Mental Toughness is enhanced. Mental toughness is important in training because it shows you your willpower to do all the hard exercises. Using workout ropes will help you toughen up and get gains you aim for.

Your Weak Body Becomes Stronger. Every movement you do when working out using ropes build strength not just your body but your mind too. It helps you to become more confident and get tough.

Improves Mobility. Getting mobile is as important as stability, endurance, strength and power. Workout ropes enhance your performance that lead to mobility improvement.

Improves your Stability. Whether you pull the ropes, lift them, create waves or do its other exercise programs, you generate stability. The repetitive movements done will get you stronger both and upper body.

Biyernes, Agosto 10, 2018

Battle Your Body Fat with These Battle Rope Exercises

Rope is the best fitness equipment there is but ignored by many before. But thanks to its introduction to the masses, its appeal has grown tremendously and is widely used now because of its many benefits. It helps you burn out body fat without spending too much. Here are 12 workout exercises you may do as demonstrated by Adrian Bryant that can boost your strength, core stability in short period of time.

1. Alternating Waves
2. Hip Toss
3. In and Out Waves
4. Seated Hip Toss
5. Waves (double waves)
6. Counterclockwise
7. Clockwise
8. Jumping Jacks
9. Power Slams
10. Side-to-side Waves
11. Shuffle
12. Ski Steps

Huwebes, Agosto 2, 2018

Yoga Poses to Firm Your Butt

Mountain Pose (Tadasana) Basic pose but does a lot of benefits to the body which includes improving your posture. The position is about keeping the head, shoulders, hips and heels aligned and engange the glutes.

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) This pose stretches and strengthens the front and back of body and reduce stress.

Pigeon Pose (Kapotasana) Helps stretch your thighs, groins, hips and legs

Warrior Pose (Veerabhadrasana)
Warrior Poses 1, 2 & 3

Upward Plank Pose (Purvottanasa) It sthrengthens the arms, legs, back and core

Keep reminded that before starting any exercise, you should first consult a physician.

Linggo, Hulyo 15, 2018

Cheap Way for Healthy Diet

Cheap Way for Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy lifestyle shouldn’t have to be expensive. When we go to the grocery or visit healthy food store to buy healthy foods, for sure there’s the idea that when it comes to “healthy”, we think of the latest superfoods craze that are talk of the town which, are rather quite expensive. But you can spend your hard earned cash properly without emptying your wallet just for your diet alone. There are inexpensive healthy foods out there in the market that you should consider to place it in your basket whenever you hit the stores. 
Include the following in the list.

Milk and other dairy products. These contains many nutrients such as calcium, vitamins A and B12, carbohydrate, fat and protein.

Tofu. A good alternative to meat and a popular food to vegetarians and vegans. It contains good source of protein and would not hurt your pocket.

Oats. It has a good source of fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Brown rice. Brown rice is loaded with fiber, potassium, magnesium and vitamin B so choose this one instead of white rice.

Eggs. Eggs are packed with protein which is essential to muscle building and weight loss.

Seasonal Fruits. You can actually buy any fruits but why include seasonal? Well you can’t always have certain fruits all the time. If it’s not in season yet, expect the prices to go up and if it’s in season, it will definitely have lower price. Buy them seasonally so they will be cheap.

Veggies. As for veggies, like fruits, there are some that are seasonal, so always buy those when in season so it will not be expensive. Also, consider purchasing a bag of frozen vegetables in the store over the weekend and consume it all for a week. Frozen veggies are as good as fresh and they come in variety to suit your needs. With a bag for a week, prepare for portion sizes on your meals. If you’re not much into veggies, a bag of frozen ones is a great way to improve your palate and diet. When it becomes a habit, add another bag for a week for a gradual process.

Water. Remember the general rule of drinking at least eight glasses of water? Always include H2O in your diet. It has zero calories compared to diet sodas.

Linggo, Hunyo 10, 2018

Wear Weightlifting Belt for Support

I’ve seen many weightlifting beginners who, when doing squats or deadlifts, load the bar with heavy weights without wearing any weightlifting belt for support. That could smell disaster because you might injure your spine. And that’s not good. So the question is should you wear one? Answer is yes especially if you’re doing some heavy squats, deadlifts and back exercises.

Weightlifting belt acts as support to prevent injury while you are lifting heavier weight. However, an assumption that it acts as support to help you lift heavier weights than natural strength alone is just a myth and it will not allow you to lift more weights.

But before we head on about belts, let’s take emphasis on breathing first because it’s an integral part of training. We need to understand body mechanics like when you’re doing exercises like squats and deadlifts and presses on heavy weights.

Your torso or core is soft and flexible that allows you to bend on each sides or forwards and backwards and twist with ease. When you have loads of heavy weights on your shoulders for a squat, you would want your core to be hard so you will need to brace it. By bracing yourself, you take a big breath, hold it while simultaneously flexing your core muscles, push or pull and exhaling after finishing the movement. This is our instinctive response whenever we move something heavy like a couch, a fridge, a huge cabinet or a car.

This technique is known as Valsalva Maneuver, the hold breath and torso tightening dynamic, when we’re doing certain exercises for near-maximum effort. When we hold our breath and tighten those core muscles, we get rigid torso and this allows you to lift more weight. The maneuver helps create abdominal pressure and supports the spine.

Weightlifting belt itself doesn’t provide support directly to your back as if it’s like an exoskeleton that makes your back stronger instantly when you wear it. What the belt provides is it acts like a second set of abdominals to prepare your body to lift heavier things for that pushback. Instead of directly supporting the core, the belt indirectly supports by supplying feedback to your core to tighten and make it rigid. The belt then helps increase your lifting efficiency and get more stability.
What belt should you use?

A proper weightlifting belt has the same width all around the waist. Most common are 4” wide, but this size has a drawback to people with average and shorter torso length because it gets uncomfortable when doing deadlifts as it is liable to dig the ribs and hips. Finding a 3” belt is recommended if that’s the case as it provides comfortability and gives sufficient core feedback. The material should be firm and thick to give your core more to push against, probably leather or suede or something that will not stretch because it is more durable and stronger which can last to a lifetime. 

The nylon-made belts are not as durable as the leather. Go with a prong buckle or lever closure device. Single prongs are easier to wear though compared to double-prong belts. Lever closures meanwhile will take you into halt when putting it on and taking it off because you have to unscrew the lever, adjust then screw again. The Velcro-type belts don’t last long and sometimes it won’t stay together which could give you mediocre lift if you’re tensing your core.

Belts with big padded back strap in the back small-in-front design is not recommended because it doesn’t give uniform feedback to your core and could get in the way of lumbar extension which make it hard for your lower back set in correct position that can result to lesser lift efficiency and might injure lower back.

When do you need to wear a belt?

Wear weightlifting belt only when needed. It’s not a fashion statement wherein you can wear it all the time in the gym or whenever you’ll workout. You will only use it if you’re lifting heavy weights on your spine. These exercises include squats, deadlifts, strict presses and various Olympic lifts.
You don’t need to wear one when you’re doing sit-ups or abdominal exercises because it’s contrary to the belt’s function. You certainly don’t need to belt up during leg extensions, bicep curls, or bench pressing because there’s no load on the spine.

Don’t wear a belt if you can’t lift heavy weight with good form. Train first your strength and as you progress, like if you can already squat your bodyweight in good form, that’s the time to wear one. Also if you can’t stabilize your body without a belt, don’t wear it. When you’re not bracing your core, chances are you’re not stabilizing your body for heavier weights and you may end up using it as a crutch if you put it on which has a big chance of getting injured if you try to lift same weight without it. If you have health issues like high blood pressure, you should not wear a belt and don’t do the Valsava maneuver. Doing so will further raise your blood pressure.

Wear it properly
Wear the belt directly over your navel so you will get comfortable during lifts. Also properly tighten it, don’t make it loose or too light. When putting it on, inhale normally then pull the belt as tight as possible without interfering your breathing. A belt too tight will work against your favor so wear it just tight enough.

Linggo, Marso 4, 2018

10 Minute Low Impact HIIT Training

Busy schedules have caught on a lot of us that we find it hard to include exercise in our routine. In some instances, dieting or working out has become a resolution to many that by start of January, gyms are packed but come the next months they’re empty. While others find it a great idea to finally shed off those unwanted fats away only to drop it for certain reasons.

This quick workout might do the trick to finally engage you to working out, even for just 10 minutes of your time. What's great is that it can be done at your home. Grokker trainer Jaime Mcfadden shows you some basic yet challenging low impact exercises that work to strengthen all your muscle groups including your core. For 45 seconds each followed by 15 seconds of rest, you’ll get a great workout.

1. Reverse lunge with knee tuck
2. Push-up with reach
3. Plie squat
4. Dips
5. Standing crunch

Sabado, Enero 13, 2018

4 Fatty Foods that are Essential for Fat Loss and Offseason Growth

Bodybuilders frequently have this notion that they must take extreme diets to make their physique to extreme levels. Back in the day, there was a thought that a zero-fat diet was the best possible way to rip up. However, it was found to be unsuccessful so the high-fat diet replaced the previously failed diet program and became the norm. But in the end, most bodybuilders have figured out that either of these extreme diet programs will lead to a successful result on their bodybuilding phase.

Whether you want to lose bodyfat or increase muscle mass, the strategy is to have a diet that’s somewhere between the two extremes. Moderation of taking the right types of fats can help build muscles and in most cases, reduce your bodyfat. So if you’re into the cutting or growth phase, you need to consume 20% of their calories from fat. Here are some healthy sources that you can take.

Whole eggs. Probably one of the best sources of protein and a staple to bodybuilders, eggs provide excellent amino acid profile. Both the yolk and white give great protein with the whites being faster to digest while the yolk may take longer to digest because it contains dietary fat which provides more sustained amount of protein. One egg yolk contains 6 grams of fat with half of it being saturated so eating six or more a day would result to too much saturated fat. The solution is not to eliminate, but to reduce the number of yolks so for every five or six egg whites you consume, add one yolk not exceeding three on daily basis. With six egg whites and one yolk, that’s 24 grams of protein and 6 grams of fat.

      Red meat. To cut up, you will need to reduce your calories but omitting too much fat might compromise your testosterone levels. As to cutting out dietary fat and also carbs and total calories, your testosterone levels go down and if that happens, you will lose muscle mass as well. Red meat contains fats that assist testosterone levels that include conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a fat that allow body to tap into fat stores as energy source and promotes muscle growth. Mass seekers can have an intake of red meat twice a day as well as dieters, provided that they do not consume more calories than their daily target.

      Salmon. An excellent source of omega-3 fatty acid is salmon. Omega-3s help spare the loss of glutamine and supports the immune system. They help fight muscle inflammation and lead to enhanced glycogen storage. There’s also an indication that they promote the loss of bodyfat and retention of muscle during dieting stages. Omega-3s are so essential that even dieters should also take this four times a week even if it’s a small portion.

      Low-fat cheese. Myths that dairy products are fattening food are simply just myths. Low-fat cheese contains many anabolism-promoting peptides, small amount of CLA, also found in red meat, calcium, vitamins and minerals. Research shows that it also contains calcitriol which help burn fat on low-calorie diets, and casein protein.

Bodybuilders fear fatty foods but they really shouldn’t. For building muscle growth and keeping bodyfat within reason, they need proper provision of nutrients as well as control in calorie intake. Fatty foods may be caloric, but they provide nutrients that many bodybuilding foods lack so having them included in your diet are great choices during mass-gaining phase, and by tweaking for some adjustments, are also essential for cutting phase. In the end, you need to take proper balance of food intake to stay anabolic and keep bodyfat in check.

Sabado, Enero 6, 2018

Dreams vs Goals: Road to Fit Body

Setting up goals is very vital to one’s success. However, dreams and goals, as you may find it quite similar, are two different beasts.

It’s important to know both differences. Dreams are things you aspire and hope to achieve someday, things that you like thinking about but don’t know if it will ever happen or not. Goals, meanwhile, are particular things that you have aimed to need to accomplish for a definite period of time. An example case is having a fit body. In a dream statement, you’ll say, “Someday I’ll lose weight and have a fit body”. Whereas with goals, you declare a certain timeframe and your statement will be like, “In three to six months, I will lose fat, gain more muscles and sculpt a rock hard abs.

What’s great is that once you attain your goals, your positive energy boosts to higher level as well as your confidence, allowing you to go on to set and achieve grander goals ahead. The achievement you get gives you that extreme feeling of happiness and the success it brings does create many exciting dreams you wish to aspire. Somehow it builds tremendous optimism and hope and when you’re optimistic, you know you can achieve any goals you set and you just can’t wait to get your hands on the next and win it big time.

On the negative side though, when you’re unable to achieve your goals, you get disheartened, self-confidence suddenly gets an all-time low and you can’t create greater dreams anymore. When you stop dreaming, you don’t have something to look forward to, you then look down which leads to lost hope.

So here’s an advice, set a goal which is close to reality. In that way, you’ll be able to do it step by step until you reach success. If your aim is to have a fit body, find someone who has achieved the same thing as what you’ve set in, someone who is in the same situation as you are and observe how they’re able to do it. Get inspired by their work so it may rub off to you. If they can do it, you can do it too. But of course, you have to consider that all people have different genes, so if that person is able to cut down the weight for let’s say six months or lower, don’t get demoralized if by six months you haven’t reach your goal yet. Just keep on working out and you’ll be surprised at what you have achieved. It may take long shot but you will get there eventually. The road to fitness isn’t just a one night thing, it’s a lifestyle.